Aviartists Commission Info

Status: Open!

Terms of Service

  • all prices are USD

  • all payments will be made through PayPal friends and family

  • I will not begin a commission before receiving payment

  • once a commission is completed, refunds are not available

  • if you cannot provide a clear ref sheet, I have the right to refuse the commission to avoid making mistakes

  • I prefer not to work around strict deadlines. If you need something done by a certain date, such as a birthday or anniversary, please let me know and we can discuss it.

  • I WILL NOT DRAW: nsfw, mecha, detailed scenes/backgrounds, body horror, gore, or anything I feel I will not be able to create properly with my style



Lined - $3
colored - $5
shaded - $8

waist up

Lined - $5
colored - $8
shaded - $12

full body

Lined - $10
colored - $12
shaded - $15


colored - $8


simple - $12
complex - $ 15
with full ref sheet - $18+

ref sheets

base (front and back full body) - $15
add side view + $8
add bust/headshot + $5
add accessories/outfits + $5-$15

want something else? Ask me!